Friday, July 13, 2012



If you are anything like me you worry, especially when it comes to your children.  I was reminded of the troubles of Esther and Daniel while listening to our local Christian radio station. Both were children at their time of greatness. Daniel was a small boy who was sold into captivity by his own brothers. While Esther lost her parents and then became the Queen at a young age. Can you imagine how they felt, the emotions they felt and did not understand due to their immaturity? But the beauty of both of these stories is that the troubles they faced were at the hand of our sovereign God. Through these two historical events we see how God can use even children to further His plan along. So this got me to thinking about my own children. I am a worrier when it comes to them and many times don't allow them to do things out of shear fear of disaster. However a work is being done in me that is helping me face these fears head on. The Bible tells in Luke "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his  span of life?".  
We have no control over when, how or why bad things happen. This is such a hard concept to grasp especially when it comes to children.
I am reminded that God has a perfect plan and that we may not understand it but that does make it any less real. We must learn to trust in God's plan EVEN when things do not go our way. We must learn to give ourselves to His perfect plan. 
Worrying will not change His plan, it will not stop His plan from happening. But when we begin to accept His plan we find a peace within us,  a peace that tells us that He is in control. When we start to truly trust Him not only with our lives but with the lives of our children we find that we begin to see things in a different light, one that brings us outside ourselves. 
I pray that we will be able to trust our sovereign God, trust that even though His plan may not be our own we can know that He has our best interest at heart. That great things can come from very bad things.
Keep your eyes fixed upon the Lord, trust in His plan because it is the only one that is truly perfect!

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