Monday, July 2, 2012


It is such a simple word but so hard to say, especially in those heated moments when we need validation of our feelings or worse yet when we feel the urge to flaunt rightness.

I am guilty of this all to often and simply plan on putting the following verse into action right now..."A soothing tongue is a tree if life, but perversion in it crushes the spirit." Proverbs 15:4

This simple word can save us all from a multitude of  harmful and wounding words or actions.

Holding my tongue is not a strong suit when it comes to my husband.  There really is no excuse just plain old needing to be my vow is to work on being more of the okay girl in the relationship...just think the energy we will save ourselves if we just say okay and walk away. Lets work on creating a peaceful home for our families with this simple four letter word!

Application: Try recording the times you do use the word okay and reflect on the difference that this makes in your homes.
Lets strive for wisdom...and sometime wisdom directs us to gently answering with an okay.

"A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath." Proverbs 15:1
(I plan on writing this not only on the tablet of my heart but on my kitchen chalkboard so that it is plain sight to remind me to say OKAY!)

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