Monday, April 16, 2012

My Boxes

Corinthians 10:31 "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
This verse has appeared to me so many times in the past few months...I know God is speaking to me through this verse. And I think I know plate is full, I mean full over flowing, all GOOD but not all necessary. See I am the kind of person that can't say's always been a hardship of mine. But lately God has been revealing to me that i just cant do it all. I recently went back to work after being a stay at home mom for several years. I am blessed that I work in a Christian Environment and my kids are right down the hallway from me, but don't let the convenience of it all fool you, it is tough and it has finally set in and I am exhausted. The past few months I have been focusing on what I could let go of, I was not sure because everything seemed to be where God had led me (at one time or another). I was torn (still am) but think I have finally come to a place where I can admit the areas that are no longer necessary. I have been trying for to long to balance ALL the boxes and recently realized that balance does not necessarily mean equally filling all the boxes but rather choosing which boxes will go empty (for now) and which boxes I will fill completely. That leads me back to 1 Corn 10:31, I don't want to spread myself so thin that others can not see God's Glory shining through me. I want to fill those few boxes to the brim, over flowing with joy and purpose. I am still learning that the empty boxes don't have to stay empty forever but for now will remain on the back burner til God is ready to bring them forth again.

Application: I will take each and every decision before the Lord and wait upon Him to reveal to me His plan.

 I am ready to step down from something that has been a staple in my faith walk for the past 8 years.

I will say no to things that I can not give 100% to.

I will focus on the boxes that are on the front burner. I will do each task with a joyful and purposeful heart.

I will recognize the boxes that need to be pushed back and NOT feel guilty for not being able to do everything.


  1. Praying for your journey! I prayed that same thing just this morning :)
