Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I have been putting off this particular post because I am not exactly sure how the thoughts in my head will transcend from the craziness in my head to my computer screen.
The Lord has definitely done some work on me when it comes to submission. If you would have told me I was suppose to submit to my husband 4 years ago I would have puffed up and laughed that I was in control of this family. Through many difficult situations I have found that my husband is so much more rational that I am.  As a women I tend to link every emotion, experience (good or bad)  to the task or decision at hand. Everything is linked together with a fine piece of string and if one snaps they all snap. Submission is respecting your husband enough to involve him in the day to day decisions. Trusting that he will lead your family in a Godly way. The past year or so I have tried (and I will express tried) my best to take each and every decision big and small to him. We discuss it together and more times than not the decision that is made is the right one, the one God has lead us to.

Submission does NOT mean that you must become a back seat driver to your family. As women God has handed us the great duty of managing our homes. We are called to organize our homes in a way that it is a safe haven for our families. This takes a great deal of planning and decision making. I challenge us today to trust in our husbands to lead our families and to take each decision to him and work through it together. I will say I needed this reminder. My husband has been working a lot lately and I see myself slipping back into old habits of deciding for us all since he is not here. I need to pray for patience so that I can take whatever arises to him first instead of answering for us all because he is unavailable. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for writing this - I hate the word submissive - I guess it makes the independence in my feel threatened, but looking at it as not carrying all the weight of your family makes it a lot easier to swallow. As Moms we tend to think we know best - but in all reality it should be Parents know best. Once we start making decisions together as a couple and pray about it things usually tend to fall in line. A friend of mine posted as her status on FB - "When you really start to think about it, God created us all with big plans in mind...we just have to be open to it and submissive to Him and His plan!". Having your spouse help you and vice versus we can do that. I think between your blog and this post - I am feeling pretty darn lucky I have people like y'all in my life! As always Missy - thank you for blogging!!!
